When Angels are Near (Meaning of Angel Numbers 111 & 444)

As I began to write this blog, I couldn’t help but notice the repeating numbers like 111, 222, and 333 in my daily life. They popped up everywhere, even in the most unexpected places. These numbers are known as Angel Numbers.
I see them on my phone, such as how many steps I walked, the number of unopened emails, the number of resources in a game, and, of course, the most common—the clock.
How about you?
Do you see Angel numbers over and over again?
Do you see 1:11 or 4:44 as the time throughout the day or when you wake up at night?
How about on license plates or grocery receipts?

Angel numbers are everywhere when we pay attention to the world around us
These Angel numbers are not mere coincidences. They arrive at the perfect time as your Divine team (angels, spiritual guides, loved ones, etc.) tries to get your attention and communicate with you.
Your angels will send messages through numbers to remind you to get back on track, reaffirm your intentions, or give you a pat on the back for a job well done.
More than just messages, these Angel numbers signify that your angels want you to feel supported in your journey. They are a comforting presence, a reminder that you are not alone. 😇
My Experience
I notice repeating numbers everywhere, especially when I struggle or face a personal or emotional obstacle.
Once, when a dental accident happened, the clock said 4:44 PM. I wanted a resolution ASAP to address my stressful situation. However, I knew I would be alright because I felt like angels were holding me. Within two days, the problem was resolved painlessly. And at the dentist’s office, a part of my medical bill had 44. Wow!
444 means
“There are angels—they’re everywhere around you! You are completely loved, supported, and guided by many Heavenly beings, and you have nothing to fear.”
This information is from Doreen Virtue’s book Angel Numbers 101, which has simple and to-the-point messages.
Without a doubt, my angels were with me, showering me with repetitive numbers throughout the whole challenge. Even now, while I’m writing this, the clock says 4:44 PM.

444 is a loving presence of your angels
Depending on what I’m going through, I see 111 and 1111 daily, especially on the clock. It’s like someone tells me to look at my watch. So when it happens, I know I need to pay attention to my thoughts because they manifest into reality. If my thoughts are not uplifting, I reset my thinking and use affirmations to raise my vibe.
111 means
“This number brings you the urgent message that your thoughts are manifesting instantly, so keep your mindset focused on your desires. Give any fearful thoughts to heaven for transmutation.”
And 11 means
“Stay positive! Your thoughts are materializing rapidly, so you want to ensure positive outcomes by focusing only on the good within yourself, others, and this situation.”
Simple steps when you see repeating numbers:
- Pause when you see 111 or any repeating numbers like 222, 333, 444, etc.
- Say thanks to the Divine presence of your angels and spiritual guides.
- Listen to the messages that come to you. They could be as simple as “trust,” “listen to your body,” or “be here now.”
There is so much more to Angel numbers and their loving presence. For now, follow the simple steps, apply the guidance you receive, and watch for unfolding blessings on your path.
What is your experience with angel numbers? Please share your story. I would like to hear it.