Personal Powerful Realizations for Inner Healing

“Don’t turn away. Keep your gaze on the bandaged place. That’s where the light enters you.” ~ Rumi
Personal realizations to support my inner healing were an eye-opener. It started with me losing hope in my journey of getting pregnant. I became numb and empty. My body got tight from stress and worry. Though I learned to acknowledge and embrace my state with love and compassion, asking my Divine team for help and healing.
My guides showed up and gave reassurances and reminders not to give up and have faith.
In my dream, while going through turbulent waters that tossed me and challenged me to move forward, I kept saying to myself and others: “Keep going and don’t give up!” Somehow I felt held in my dream, and even the water was comforting and warm. I welcomed the same confirmation through conversations, more dreams, daily card messages, and randomly opened emails all the following days.
The messages gave me a signal to devote time to my healing. Yes, healing is ongoing, and some days I feel better than others. I crawl out of my comfort zone and be vulnerable, allowing myself to go deeper and reveal the hidden.
To heal my emotional and mental bodies, I had an IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) session. I realized how uncomfortable it was to release some emotions and beliefs from my body. Instead, I held them close to me just because they felt familiar and had an illusory sense of safety. No longer did I wish to carry that heavy load. I was ready to feel lighter.
It was healing and empowering to release the trapped emotions and implant the opposite ones into the body, like love, peace, comfort, courage, strength, and forgiveness.
Our bodies store heavy emotions for a long time. Sometimes we don’t know how to live without them. We’ve never done it before. Letting go is not always easy, but it is necessary.
I encourage you to choose to let go while breathing deeply. Release and let yourself be free from pain and sorrow. You can get some tools in a brief lesson on surrender.
I want to share another powerful reminder and a message I received during my healing process. My higher self opened my heart to remember continuously bringing harmony into my life and guiding others to do the same. So I choose to walk my talk by applying it to my life and being an example for others. And so it is!
(Let me know if you are interested in IET healing with angels, I can highly recommend someone locally.)
You are not alone on your journey.
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