My Intense Healing Experience of Being Cracked Open

How can you let life crack you open and reveal hidden and sacred parts of yourself?
Do you know that diamonds are formed under pressure within the Earth? Sometimes, to create a new way of living for ourselves, we need to go through the uncomfortable pressure of life’s trials. We can resist or surrender to the feelings flowing through our bodies and allow what wants to surface to come through.
That is exactly what happened to me. I’d been cracked open, and it was not comfortable at all.
The first week of January was quite challenging. Besides going through physical healing, I experienced inner healing as well. Dealing with physical symptoms of heaviness in my chest and painful coughing, I needed to open up my heart center and become lighter. But how?
I’ve been pulling oracle cards for myself every morning as a part of my ritual. The same card “cracked open” appeared three times within a week and twice in a row. “I’m fine. It doesn’t apply to me,” I reassured myself, dismissing the message on the card. But the Universe insisted otherwise.
When my body gulped the air to yawn over and over again, I recognized the signs of my openness and the need for processing and integrating. The overwhelming feeling of discomfort overtook me. I lay down on the floor to surrender to whatever was happening to me, but I remembered to relax my body and stay grounded.

My cat Po kept me extra grounded
I grabbed crystals, especially selenite sticks, to support my healing and effective transmutation. One of my cats joined me by lying down on me and keeping me extra grounded. My breath guided me to release what no longer served me. My outer shell cracked open like a snake shedding its skin. Intense. I felt the presence of my angels and guides, holding me with love. I had faith in them, as well as in my body, to know what to do.
Divine blessings poured into every part of my body. I stayed in that warm bliss for some time. Deep realizations covered me, soothing my heart and mind. I knew I wasn’t alone, even though my journey sometimes looks lonely and challenging.
I broke into tears while shaking and repeating “thank you” out loud to anything and everything in my life and life itself. My cat companion stayed with me until I was complete and at ease.
My experience of being “cracked open” pushed me to release the old ways and embrace the current changes and shifts within me. Now I’m giving them time to settle.
During experiences like this, it’s important to drop resistance and instead surrender to what’s unfolding. Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we rise again like a phoenix.
Recognize that it’s pointless to return to the original life and approach things the old way. Take one step at a time to get where you want to go. Step into the new with courage and watch how your life improves.
Brian Andreas couldn’t say it even better:
“When you start to crack open, don’t waste a moment gathering your old self up into something like you knew before. Let your new self splash like sunlight into every dark place and laugh and cry and make sounds you never made and thank all that is holy for the gift.”
If things are hard for you, know that you’re not alone on your journey.
Reach out if you need guidance from your angels and spirit guides. They are very loud right now and want to support you in stepping forward to fulfill your dreams and stop playing small.
Love Brian Andreas quote! It’s so true! Thank you for sharing and know that your new and old self are loved!
Josie, thank you for your soothing words. Knowing that my new and old selves are loved is a great reminder. I love Brian Andreas quote as well.