My Angels Said, “No!” and I Listened with Puzzlement

Time reveals to us the answers we seek.
Unexpected circumstances often arise in life. At first, it makes little sense when you’re going through it. You might even question why you don’t receive what you want and expect.
It’s only much later that you can gain a better understanding of your experiences. First, you realize how much you’ve grown. Then, you gain clarity about the things that matter to you.
Don’t lose hope if you’re going through a challenging and confusing time. Trust that things will work out for your best interests. Hidden insights will always find ways to be revealed. Soon, it’ll all make sense.
My angels said, “No!” when I considered jumping on the discounted opportunity to take part in an anthology book about turning points in life. The perfect topic for me. And being guided through the entire process and published before Christmas – doesn’t it sound thrilling?
After much contemplation and countless conversations with friends, I counseled my spirit guides. I do that for a living.
I was confused and disappointed when a “No!” came out. Damn. Asking for more clarity, I accepted the card messages of forgiveness, compassion, and not the right time. What are the odds, right?
My guides clarified, “You’ll see why that was the perfect answer as time goes by.”
“Those of us who open ourselves up to listening to our guides have more peace and clarity.” ~ J. Williamson, Guidance to Peace and Clarity
OMG! I know I deliver guidance to other people, but I questioned the messages I received.
The writing/publishing offer felt so TEMPTING. However, I choose to honor the angel’s messages and follow them. I know they have a better plan for me.
It was a valuable lesson to walk my talk and value what I received despite my desires.
“If we can just let go and trust that things will work out the way they’re supposed to, without trying to control the outcome, then we can begin to enjoy the moment more fully. The joy of the freedom it brings becomes more pleasurable than the experience itself.” ~ Goldie Hawn
I’m receiving more clarity about my recent choice and the next steps… More about it later.
Write back and share your thoughts, stories of revealed wisdom, or comments. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Reach out if you need clarity from your Divine team. We are here for you.