Embracing Change: Letting Go and Creating with the Winds of Change

You might be surprised, but many people are going through changes right now, myself included. I’ve been experiencing lots of shifts lately. But I’m managing well because I’m used to it. Plus, I learn valuable things about myself and how I handle things. Trust me, it’s never a straight line full of aromatic flowers. Life ebbs and flows, and ups and downs are a normal part of existence.
“Change is the only constant in life. Ones ability to adapt to those changes will determine your success in life.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
Change is always in the air and our lives. You might feel that things, people, events, and the world shift around you. You might feel it is time to adjust the direction of your life, make significant or minor modifications, or even transform and revitalize an area of your life that is no longer working for you. It sounds hard, doesn’t it?
No one said that change would be easy to navigate. But embracing the winds of change is doable. We can witness the benefits of our own growth and how we adjust to new conditions with time and experience.

Letting go without fear and creating new opportunities just like a dandelion
How can we embrace change and thrive in the dynamic world?
Approach with curiosity!!!
Going against the wind of change won’t take you far. What’s the point of being stubborn and continuing to resist or reject the changes happening to you? That’s where open-mindedness comes in.
Keep an open mind, no matter how hard it is. The willingness to step outside of your comfort zone can move mountains.
Jump on the horse and try new things. That way you show to the Universe that you are facing the changes with your head held high. Be adventurous and explore possibilities. Focus on improving yourself.
Learn to see things in a positive light and believe that you can accomplish anything. You’ve got this!
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ~ Lao Tsu
The world is changing, and so are we. Find the strength within yourself to let go of the old habits or ways of thinking. It takes time, but your effort and willingness to learn new skills will be beneficial in the long run.
Take advantage of the powerful winds of change to let go and create.
I love playing with the wind. It reminds me it’s okay to let go. When I stand outside in the wind, I breathe with it and set intentions. I allow myself to release any expectations and energies I’ve picked up from others. The wind cleanses me and supports me to stay present in my body—grounded, centered, and connected at the same time. Then, after emptying my vessel, I ask the wind to bring and fill me with love, acceptance, harmony, prosperity, and joy.
I received a divine message from my angels about this topic:
Let go with the wind and embrace the change that is happening in your life. Allow yourself to release what no longer serves or works for you. There is no need to worry. If something you hold dear to your heart is meant for you, it will come back to you. But for now, let yourself roam free and bring your attention to YOU. Ask yourself, “What do you need to feel for you to stand completely in your power? What can you do for yourself to open the wings that you’ve been hiding behind your back for fear of falling down and not being accepted?” You have the strength and courage to overcome any difficulties. Rise like a phoenix.

Rise like a phoenix. You have the strength and courage to overcome any difficulties.
Do you want support in navigating through the change?
Reach out to the community to connect with open-minded people and share your story and your gifts. Direct your energy toward your soul’s calling of self-expression. Refresh your perspective on life at the Creative HUB gathering once a month in Manassas, VA.
Dear one, remember that your angels and guides are ready to assist you. If you need help connecting with your angels, schedule an intuitive angel reading with me.