Laughter is Good for You

Laughter is good for you. So how often do you laugh? And when you do, how does it make you feel? Do you know the benefits of laughing? Have you experienced laughter yoga? Find the answers in this post.
“If you’re laughing, you’re healing.” ~ Gangaji
Don’t we take life too seriously sometimes?
I know – I do, mainly when covering myself under never-ending to-dos. LOL. As a result, I become tense, determined, and focused on completing tasks, no matter what. Eventually, I end up stressed with headaches and discomfort in my body.
When my husband sees that (I don’t know how he does it), he throws jokes at me. At first, I don’t understand why he says such ridiculous things. Then, a light bulb appears above my head, realizing, “He is cheering you up, silly!” I end up laughing or at least smiling. I loosen up and relax. My heart opens up for more joy and laughter.
“Laughter is an instant vacation.” ~ Milton Berle
I love watching stand-up comedy with my husband. It became our regular adventure to bring humor into our lives. I also make an effort to laugh at least once a day by watching comedies, funny videos on YouTube, and animated movies, observing my silly cats; or reading some jokes and hilarious notes I wrote in my diary back then.
My latest laughing pleasures are “The Boss Baby” series on Netflix and comedy improvisation. The series is cute and funny. And improv reminds me to be spontaneous.
“When you awaken love and laughter in your life, your mind lets go of fear and anxiety, and your happy spirit becomes the healing balm that transforms every aspect of your human experience.” Jesse Dylan
Laughter yoga is the real thing!
Have you experienced laughter yoga before? Yes, it is a real thing. If you haven’t experienced it, I highly recommend you try it. Here is the TEDx Talk about laughter yoga with some fun exercises you can follow. Another YouTube resource I like is laughing away the stress.
OMG. It was so much fun when I took some laughter yoga classes in the past. At first, it was awkward to fake laughter and laugh in front of people. You have probably heard the phrase “fake it till you make it.” Yes, faking our laughter made all the attendees burst into laughter. It was so contagious. I left the event lighter and happier.
The benefits of laughter:
When we laugh, our bodies release endorphins that make us feel good.
It breaks stagnant energy, gets things moving, and helps us relax.
It clears our minds, opens our hearts, and relaxes our bodies.
It is a powerful antidote to stress, conflict, and pain.
It raises our vibration and boosts our energy.
It keeps us grounded, focused, and alert.
It brings us back into our bodies.
It lightens our burden.
It inspires hope.
“Laughing is, and will always be, the best form of therapy.” ~ Dau Voire
Give yourself permission to LAUGH.
Count your blessings during the day. Focus on the positive parts of your life and list what you’re grateful for. Do not take yourself too seriously. Instead, laugh. Laughing makes life more delightful.
“Laugh out loud, follow your heart, and enjoy the little things.” Anonymous
Make it a habit to laugh daily.
Feel free to share your favorite joke in the comments below, or what makes you laugh hysterically?