I am Only Human and Not an Imposter. I am Me! I am Enough.

“I am only human,” I had to remind myself. And not an imposter. I am me! I am enough.
Let me share my story.
For nearly two weeks, I’ve been concentrating on writing a blog post titled “body as a temple.” However, when the day to publish started approaching, I did some research that I hoped would benefit me.
Nope. It did NOT.
Reading other people’s articles about listening to the body made me PANIC. The overwhelming feeling shook me with anxiety. I was stunned by the topic’s expansiveness in different directions. I got cold feet. And I dropped the subject to focus on it another time.
Everything I wrote before reading other people’s articles FELT LIKE it went down the drain. I like the Russian idiom, “Kotu pod hvost,” which means “under the cat’s tail.” I had to pause after I had spent hours and hours writing.
What was I resisting? What made me freak out?
Let me dive into it.
When I researched how other people approached a similar topic, I noticed specialists’ titles and credibility.
My mind was screaming: “I can’t write like them. I’m not a doctor. I haven’t researched this topic in-depth as they did. I haven’t taught it at college.” And yada-yada-yada.
Is it imposter syndrome? Am I qualified to talk about this topic from personal experience? The answers are “yes” and “yes.”
You see, I was comparing myself. The big time!
I doubted myself and my abilities. One tool that helped me was acknowledging my feelings and talking about them with my husband. Here are some fantastic suggestions in NYTimes on how to overcome imposter syndrome.
Then I remembered everyone is on their OWN journey.
So don’t compare yourself with others. You have unique abilities. You are one of a kind.
You are worthy!
You are enough!
You are YOU.
I can only be myself. So I just have to sit and write about how that topic related to ME, sharing my personal experiences and the tips that helped me acknowledge, appreciate, and listen to my body.
The “body” topic could go in different directions. For example, I could write about how to listen to your body or treat your body as a temple.
Then it hit me that the topics of intuition, self-love, and self-care come into play. Also, I can mention slowing down and honoring your journey in that post. Brrr… You’ll see that later on.
So where is the end? Can I honestly be COMPLETE with this topic?
I know that when I learn, I expand my knowledge. Therefore, our thoughts and knowledge are infinite to be complete because we continuously obtain knowledge.
It’s an ONGOING journey of growth. I can update information in my blog posts as long as I continue to evolve. And I choose to go DEEPER and be MORE personal.
Did I lose you so far?
It’s probably a great idea to leave my blog post at that. The next stop will be the topic I had cold feet about. Trust me, it’s coming up in two weeks after publishing this post.
Though, it’s interesting how the world works. First, I saw different messages about BODY after I got cold feet. Then, imposter syndrome’s topic showed up. Go figure!
If you got to this point, THANK YOU for reading my thinking process. I hope you will come back to read more of my following posts.