Follow Your Intuition with Practical Tips

Practical tips on how to tap into your intuition.
“Practice listening to your intuition, your inner voice; ask questions; be curious; see what you see; hear what you hear; and then act upon what you know to be true. These intuitive powers were given to your soul at birth.”~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés
It took me years to follow my intuition and not question it.
Remember when you were in school, and a teacher asked a question? You probably knew the answer but doubted yourself and didn’t raise your hand. However, later you found out you were right? Or, during a multiple-choice question, you thought about an answer A but chose B, just to uncover that the A choice was correct? That happened to me a lot. Here you go. Your intuition was at play.
Intuition is a way of knowing something without knowing how you know it. LOL, Everyone has it. It is like a muscle that you can train to strengthen. Learning and practicing how to trust and follow your intuition will make you more attuned. And you might receive “hunches” or gut feelings more effortlessly.
Though, learning to trust is a significant component. And it is not easy, especially if fear is present or anxiety. It is essential to discern if that is fear or intuition.
You can continue to ignore your intuition and probably repeat the same mistakes, stepping into the same boat over and over again. Until one day, you might say “Enough” and start tuning it to those feelings of knowing that you had previously neglected. I know I did. I could be very analytical, especially after being a high school math teacher for years.
Intuition, a soul’s GPS, helps us feel connected to life and something beyond our comprehension, perhaps God/Source/Divine Love/All that is/Great Spirit – you name it.
Intuition can help us discover our life purpose, make wise decisions, and lead fulfilling lives.
Here are just a few ways to tap into your intuition:
- Find time to be silent and still. Utilize ways that work for you to calm down your racing mind. I use breathing techniques, humming, going for a walk, or meditating.
- Pay attention to your surroundings. Becoming mindful allows you to notice stuff around you, especially synchronicities.
- Stay open and curious to watch where your intuition leads you. Trust that it guides you to what you want or need. It is like going with the flow of life, which will be the book’s theme, I am working on.
- Commit to following your gut feeling about something or someone. Your gut feeling never lies to you, especially about the vibes you get from people.
- Write – a stream of consciousness without thinking or analyzing. Just write without a stop.
- Draw an oracle or a wisdom card.
- Attune to your body and ask yourself how the information you receive feels. If it is heavy, fear-based, it is your anxiety. If it feels light and uplifting, it is your intuition.
Ask yourself or journal:
- What can I do to get in touch with my intuition?
- Do I always follow its voice?
- What’s happened to me as I follow my gut feeling?
I hope you find this information helpful. Please, comment below on what you do to listen and follow your intuition. I am looking forward to hearing your stories, tips, and experiences.