Feeling Your Emotions

Going through setbacks in life can be too much. Emotions and feelings float to the surface and drag you down. It becomes easy to get overwhelmed by digging into each of those feelings and connecting the dots while analyzing the root. Perhaps feeling not enough or not having a voice when you were a child is part of the problem.
Stranded with grief, anger, frustration, rejection, fear, or guilt, wondering when you would grab the life jacket and start swimming to the shore. To the place where you feel safe and content—to the light.
Writing my memoir brings me to those moments when I feel like drowning while unpacking years of conditioning and limiting beliefs.
Sometimes I sit with my feelings and don’t try to understand or solve them. F*** no! I allow myself to FEEL and LOVE myself THROUGH it all.
Feeling is healing
The only way for your emotions to pass through you and not establish a long-term residency in your psyche is if you dare to feel them fully.
My dear, try not to judge yourself for what you’re feeling. Your emotions are neither right nor wrong. Resist talking yourself out of your feelings, no matter how inconvenient or unpleasant. Feeling is healing.
K.I. Lynn hit the spot:
“Feelings aren’t right or wrong, they just are, and we can accept all feelings no matter what they are… If you can take that in, it will free you up.”
Allow yourself to feel your heavy emotions. Cry if you need to. Don’t force yourself to explain or to be optimistic right away.
Just sit with your emotions and let them pass through you. It’ll help you let go of the heaviness. You don’t have to figure everything out or worry about finding solutions immediately. Just let yourself feel your emotions.
Remember that every emotion and difficult situation is temporary. You’ll start feeling better soon. I know you’ll get through this.
Do what you’re called to, be it developing a loving relationship with yourself, mothering yourself, or finding ways to love yourself effectively through it all.