Creating Beauty and Space for New Beginnings

Mmmm, I can feel spring approaching. Don’t you? Spring is ready to embellish nature with its pure beauty. Birds are singing, the first flowers invite us to look within our hearts, and the days are getting warmer.
The rebirth season invites us to wake up from our hibernation and emerge slowly.
Spring is the perfect time to reflect on our lives. Remember what matters, clear up the physical space and plant the seeds of intentions for your well-being.
My emerging state starts with slowing down, becoming observant, and dropping deeply into my body. Then, I wake my body from a winter slumber and move it with rhythmic music. Finally, I allow myself to swing the way my body wants.
I reflect on where I’m at in life and what matters to me. I invite YOU to do the same.
I’ve been running like a hamster in a wheel, getting things in order, and preparing for the documentary shoot this Wednesday. Read the blog post about this amazing opportunity for my sister and me if you are curious about the details.
As I’m getting myself, my home, and my schedule ready, I open space for a unique experience to enter.
So, in preparation, my organizing mode is turned on. “Everything needs to have its own place. It’ll be easy to find,” I told my husband, motivating myself to declutter. Decluttering could be a satisfying preparation for new beginnings. I enjoy going through items, envisioning perfect places for them, and tossing the rest.
During the process, it hit me – I CREATE while organizing spaces. I create BEAUTY around me.
I wish you to see beauty when you organize and declutter areas. With this process, you create space for new things to enter, inviting dreams into your life.
Feel free to leave a comment below. I’m looking forward to reading and responding to them.