Bring Joy Into Your Life

“Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” ~ Karl Barth
Are you too serious sometimes? Do you want to bring more joy into your life and play as you did when you were a child?
The human purpose in life is to experience joy. However, we take life so seriously that we forget or struggle to find time to create more happiness, loosen up, laugh, be silly, jump, dance, express ourselves, get excited, and connect with our inner child.
Every weekend, I attempt to play and bring joy into my life. For example, I play table or outdoor games, participate in a movie party with props, attend fun activities with my husband or friends, express myself with art, etc.
When I play, I reconnect with my inner child. It reminds me of my cheerful personality that sometimes gets buried deep down and gets covered under responsibilities, expectations, and must-dos. Can you relate?
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw
Joy allows me to feel alive in both my heart and body. Joy helps me to reconnect to what and who matters most to me. It also makes me believe I am on the right path.
When we feel joy, we feel great about ourselves. We feel confident, powerful, lovable, and fulfilled. These are all excellent reasons for experiencing more joy in our lives.
When was the last time you played? What brings you joy?
Create your own JOY list
I suggest creating your own personal “joy” list of 10 simple things that make you happy. Then, commit to doing at least one thing per day, even if it’s for five minutes.
Whatever rejuvenates your spirit, do more of that! Make time for what truly matters.
“Go find your joy. Whatever that is, go find your joy. Are you going to have a good day, or are you going to have a great day? Because it’s completely up to you.” ~ Sandra Bullock
Five steps to scheduling a joy date just for yourself:
- Put a joy date on your calendar for an hour to a whole day. Then, choose where and with whom.
- When the joy date arrives, get centered and eliminate distractions.
- Before starting your activity, connect with the excitement in your body and observe.
- Begin your activity and just have fun. Allow yourself to feel joyful.
- Journal about your joy date and reflect on your experience. What would happen if you felt it more often?
“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” ~ Henri Nouwen
Dear friend, what is one activity you’ll choose to do every day to bring joy into your life? Why is it essential for YOU to feel joyful?
Please comment below. I love reading your comments.