Natalya’s Blog
“We have a great purpose in life… We are here to grow, to evolve, to reach our full potential and contribute to the betterment of the world.” ~ Marc Allen
My Intense Healing Experience of Being Cracked Open
How can you let life crack you open and reveal hidden and sacred parts of yourself? Do you know that diamonds are formed under pressure within the...
Simplify Your Life, Starting with Books
Lately, I’ve been focusing on simplifying my life and creating space for new things to come. So I choose to declutter and organize my humble home to...
An Attitude of Gratitude and How to Cultivate it
“The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now.” ~ Oprah Winfrey As we...
Progress of My Memoir Writing (November 2022)
“I heard an angel speak last night, and he said, ‘Write!’” ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning Do you wonder about the progress of my memoir writing? ...
Releasing and Letting Go with Full Moon Ritual
Autumn is the most common time for letting go, like trees dropping their leaves. Nature teaches and reminds us how to do so. The full moon...
Be Spontaneous by Breaking Your Routine Once in a While
“Be spontaneous, be creative, go out and have fun, let things happen naturally." ~ Conor McGregor Don’t you want to add adventure to your life? Are...
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