Natalya’s Blog
“We have a great purpose in life… We are here to grow, to evolve, to reach our full potential and contribute to the betterment of the world.” ~ Marc Allen
Confession of a Memoirist: Memoir Revision Bootcamp (June 2024)
My daily reflections during Memoir Revision Bootcamp: Day 1. Harnessing the revision process isn’t simple. It seemed overwhelming when I started the...
Unveiling Wisdom within Stillness: A Journey from Chaos to Clarity
In our fast-paced world, stillness can feel almost impossible. We're constantly pushed and pulled, flooded with information, notifications, and the...
Heroine’s Journey: You are the One You’ve Been Waiting for
Life doesn’t happen to us; it happens FOR us. My perspective shifted when I heard this and let it sink in. Why do we sometimes think we are not...
Confession of a Memoirist: First Steps of Revision (March 2024)
The awakening power of spring reminds me to unfold at my own pace and cherish each moment of my writing journey while rereading my previous...
Forgiveness Heals
"Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning." ~ Desmond Tutu For a long time, I blamed the Universe and my parents for...
Single or in a Relationship? Learn to Love Yourself Anyway
Love is in the air. Regardless of your relationship status, focusing on love can uplift your spirit, especially when you give yourself the attention...
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