Being Clear about My Memoir Mission

“As you gain clarity about your various stories, you gain clarity about your choices and what truly matters to you.” ~ Phillip Moffitt, Emotional Chaos to Clarity
No matter what I do, my soul urges me to focus on my memoir. The story wants to be shared, especially with people who struggle with abandonment and trust issues.
After my angels said “no” to the incredible publishing opportunity, I understood why.
It all became clear – staying focused on what matters to me now – my WHOLE memoir writing and not just a “squeezed” part of it in six pages.
“A calling will become clearer when you take the first step. You may not know where it will take you, but to start a journey, all you need to do is to find the right path.” ~ R.E.Johnson, The Gift of Evïr
Soon after receiving the angelic message, a felt-good opportunity knocked on my door.
As a result, I attended the three-day Authors Advantage Live with the Self-Publishing School. I learned essential writing, marketing, and publishing tools. And I created meaningful connections.
One of them is a support group of people who have published their memoirs or are currently writing one. The memoir group is what I searched for to have accountability, writing guidance, and encouragement.
Also, several writing workshops and valuable books focused on memoirs showed up. Exactly what I needed.
See how angels work? They bring people and opportunities to support our paths. We need to follow the guidance and open our arms to receive it.
My memoir writing journey hasn’t been easy. I had some challenges along the way, especially after being interviewed for a documentary. I saw it as an opportunity to be seen and heard, but the documentary shooting opened some childhood wounds. Soon after, something inside me dimmed. I shut down for months and redirected my focus to my inner healing.
But now I’m on a roll.
What’s your takeaway? I look forward to hearing your thoughts and stories in the comments below.
Hi Angelic…
I’m from Manila, Philippines.
Widow, I don’t know sometimes to do. With my life. But when I read your post and messages.. I was alive reading and enlighten about what’s going on in my life…
And im thankful bcuz.. Your always answer my question about my journey.. Love you❤️❤️❤️
Hi Ms. Pat,
Thank you for commenting on my post. I’m so glad to hear that you find my posts helpful.
I know it’s not always ease to figure out our next steps toward our dreams. My favorite tip is to remind ourselves what matters to us NOW and take baby steps towards it.
Blessings on your journey
I find myself at a cross roads but feeling good about it. Calling on the angels to help guide me. I 2iwh you much success with your endeavors. Gail
Gail, thank you for your comment.
I witness you. Being at a crossroads could be challenging. So glad you keep the faith and call upon angels for support. Continue to follow your heart and remember – you’re not alone on your journey.