Be Creative in Your Own Way

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” ~ Osho
My dear friend, whatever your artistic outlet is, it doesn’t matter. You are unique, anyway. Creating something special with two hands will elevate your spiritual energy and make your heart sing.
So often, we can get blocked in our creative attempts. For example, writers may experience writer’s block, and artists may freeze at seeing a white canvas. I know this from personal experience.
Do you need help to ignite your creative spark? Read about three practical tips on how to create space for creativity and how I motivate myself, plus an inspirational TED Talk with Elizabeth Gilbert here.
To generate and keep your creative ideas flowing, break out of sameness:
- Change what you do, or try working with a different medium.
- Mix it up, and do something different to enhance your creative flow.
- Spend time with people who are creative in other ways than you.
There are countless opportunities for creativity. Even if you think you have no creative bone in your body, you can start by tapping into the outlet you enjoy the most.
“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” ~ Mary Lou Cook
Painting with @keepitcolourful
My favorite way to tap into my creativity is by painting. I love Jesse’s free LIVE step-by-step acrylic painting tutorials. Try it! Her website and FB page: Jesse Robertson and Keep It Colourful.
Every other weekend, I dedicate time to painting while learning acrylic techniques and enjoying the flow and the process without expectations and perfection.

My painting of birch trees in the summer’s moonlight
Don’t close yourself off from creative ventures just because you don’t consider yourself a “creative” person. Instead, take art classes, gather with friends to create, or join the Creative HUB gathering once a month in the DMV area.
Creating deeper connections with others through a community of like-minded people provides much-needed support and encouragement to express your creativity.
“Creative isn’t the way I think, it’s the way I like to live.” – Paul Sandip
Make space in your life for CREATIVITY!
What’s your takeaway? Write back. I look forward to reading your comments.