A Gift from a Snake: Its Skin of Transformation

Oct 10, 2023 | Clarity, Inner Healing, Sisterhood, Vulnerability | 2 comments

It all started with a golden apple I received as a gift from a goddess during the new moon meditation last month. 

The golden apple of promise, hope, and prosperity weaved into the tree of knowledge, Adam and Eve, clarity with the apple’s bite, and the snake. 

A week later, our temple of sisters gathered to share how the Snake Priestess appeared in our lives. 

Over and over again, the snake’s medicine has reminded me of its gifts of wisdom, groundedness, rebirth, and transformation. 

Realizations hit me—I’ve been going through a transformation! 

I felt it stronger after publishing the blog post about the reunion with my sister. I was not comfortable sharing sacred parts of myself. 

I was in a vulnerable, tender place after shedding the outgrown limitations, learning to receive (snakes are master receivers), and embodying the receiving of love. 

Like a snake, I shed my skin and crawled into the darkness to regenerate, heal, and strengthen. I was grieving what I had released, integrating recent experiences, and grounding and nurturing myself compassionately.  

That was my rejuvenation process for refilling my cup. Now, I am ready to bask in a sunny spot, be visible, and continue to share my voice.

I always come out.

Can you imagine my surprise when I received profound medicine and confirmation when finding the snake skin? 

I was stoked to receive this gift of transformation, rebirth, and rejuvenation.

Finding the snake skin was a profound gift

My recent mushroom hunting became a strenuous hike of ups and downs (just like in life) at the old golf course for two long hours. 

I was dying from the heat, with little water remaining. In the hopes of not taking a detour, I took a paved path that appeared as a shortcut to a parking lot. 

Something pulled me towards the roots of a fallen tree. I took its picture and came closer to investigate the passageways. 

Something pulled me towards the roots of a fallen tree.

Wow! What an incredible find!

The shed skin of a massive snake was wrapped around crevices and between the roots. The path of the skin kept going into the internal darkness. 

Even a tail stretched from the surface into the depth of the root system. 

Even a tail stretched from the surface into the depth of the root system.

 The tail of a snake skin

Wow! I checked if a live snake was present. Whew! Relief. I untangled the visible skin to honor the Snake Priestess and her blessing.

I was stoked to receive this gift of transformation, rebirth, and rejuvenation.

Yes, I feel vulnerable sharing my writing, but I keep on showing up no matter what.


  1. And thank you for showing up and continually being and sharing your beautiful self!

    • Awww, Josie, thank you for seeing and hearing me and your lovely presence on my website and life.


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