The Importance of Being Patient

Apr 12, 2022 | Mindfulness | 0 comments

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” ~ Lao Tzu

After losing hope and then “getting back on the horse,” acquiring personal, powerful realizations for inner healing and believing in myself and the Universe, I remember the importance of being patient.

It’s easy to get frustrated when we don’t receive the results we want. But what if we become more patient?

I know from personal experience how challenging it can be. 

I used to be NOT the most patient person. I demanded things to happen immediately. The older I get, the wiser I become and learn my lessons. Can you relate? 

Is it possible to be patient with how things unfold? 

Imagine a flower bud that takes time to bloom. We cannot control and say, “Hey, I want you to be open now.” Life doesn’t work that way. Readiness and conditions play a significant role here. 

Patiently waiting for the magnolia bud to bloom

Patiently waiting for the magnolia bud to bloom

“Patience is a virtue.” ~ William Langland

Everything happens in its own time. We cannot rush and control our lives or the flower buds, things around us, people, or outcomes. When we worry, we miss living in the present and enjoying the journey.

We are only in charge of how we feel, what we think, perceive, and what action we take. And we can choose to accept that things unfold on their own terms. 

When we feel confused, stuck, inpatient, and see no clear path in front of us, we need to find ways to get up from “stagnant waters.” Movement is essential.

Can we turn our faces to nature’s wisdom?

Nature reminds us that everything is possible and teaches us patience, stillness, inner beauty, and hope. During spring, nature unfolds at its own timing and pace. The beauty is recognizing how we can learn to “be patient” and apply it to our lives.  

Activities like writing in your journal, dancing, being still, walking outside, lying down on the grass, or observing your breath can help you reconnect with yourself and calm your racing mind. That way, you become fully present. 

When I slow down, I allow myself to be in the moment, consciously breathe, and pay attention to my surroundings. I check in with myself and see what’s important to me. 

Those practices can help us be more present and witness what is unfolding

You can also redirect your focus by doing something hands-on and creative or getting inspired by something heart-touching and motivational. It will reignite the spark within you to move forward.

We can continue to take action and support what needs our attention, love, nurture, nourishment, or compassion. And trust, things are happening behind the scenes; We can’t see the results yet. 

If you struggle with being patient, use this affirmation: “I take my time to enjoy the journey. I trust in divine timing.” 

What practices and reminders work for you?

Feel free to write back. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts. 


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