The Brief Lesson on Surrender

Apr 1, 2022 | Inner Healing, Surrendering | 0 comments

“Surrender is like a fish finding the current and going with it.” ~ Mark Nepo

Have you experienced floating? Were you able to let go? Do you find it hard to surrender?

I had a brief lesson on SURRENDER during my latest experience floating in a sensory deprivation tank.

Everything was wonderful until I became aware of my tension. 

How much stress I had held surprised me! My body was tight with fear of completely letting go. I heard an inner voice telling me to surrender and release control. After all, I just wanted to feel at ease.

Here was my challenge. 

I intended to let go, surrender, expand, emerge into the void, and meditate in the sensory deprivation chamber. You name it. 

Unfortunately, it took a while to get used to floating without control. My shoulders felt so intense, staying up, almost reaching my ears, and my neck folded uncomfortably down. Even a floating pillow for the head didn’t support it much. Damn, that was so annoying and stressful. I wanted to relax so badly. I struggled to find a comfortable position for my arms. You should’ve seen me. LOL. No matter what I did, satisfaction was short-lived.

I felt determined to relax. 

While exhaling, I focused on my breath, releasing the tension. After taking deeper, longer breaths, I felt my body relax and let go of control. As I slowed down my breathing, I began using creative visualization to locate any tension or stored heavy energy in my body. I sent that energy out with each exhale, and I invited the white light into me with each inhale. 

And it helped. The story I told myself, and the breathing made a tremendous difference.

I reminded myself, “I am not my body. I am the spirit in the body. And it was time to surrender to the water.” 

Using creative visualization, I anchored my roots to the core of Mother Earth to feel safe. Then, I allowed myself to be fully present, surrendering and melting into the vastness, expansion, the void… Into the state of “everything and nothing.” I allowed myself just to be. 

I trusted the water to hold me. It was incredible to feel heavy and weightless simultaneously, floating into the peace of vastness. 

The next day, I pulled the void card. The Universe sent me this message: “Stop resisting and release everything that does not serve you.” It’s a confirmation and a great reminder to carry into daily life. 

I hope you find insight from my experience and apply it to your life.

I let go. I release. 

I surrender. I receive. 

Share your experience of letting go in the comments below. 



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